Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Details: #HollywoodKittyAwards #HollywoodKittyOfTheMonth #HollywoodPawsOfFame

Any past or present Hollywood Kitty Customer may enter their cat in our upcoming "Hollywood Kitty Awards" contests.  We are now accepting entries for future contests.  Voting for the "Hollywood Kitty Of The Month" contest goes for the first 28 days of each month, beginning on the 1st of the month at midnight PST, and ending at midnight PST on the 28th day of the month.

The coolest part of the contests is that they will be LIVE on our website for 28 straight days, and voting is open to the entire world!  So, if your cat is in the current contest, all you need to do is to use social media to share a link to the contest page and get your friends to vote for your cat.

Each time a vote is cast, the IP address is recorded, making it impossible to vote a second time that month from the same device.  So, cheating is virtually impossible! With each new vote, the percentages of votes are instantly recalculated and the current polling statistics are displayed on-screen in real time!

Each month, there will be 6 cat "nominees" competing for the title of "Hollywood Kitty Of The Month". The winning cat for that month will automatically be entered in the "Hollywood Kitty Of The Year" contest in January of the following year, in which the 12 "HKOM" winners compete for the grand prize for the "HKOY" contest!

All "nominees" will be commemorated in our upcoming "Hollywood Paws Of Fame" section, along with their awarded honors.  Also, customers may nominate any pet to be featured in our upcoming "Hollywood Paws Of Honor" section.  However, for non-customers, there will be a small fee associated with this online honor.  This fee will cover our time for creating and archiving their pet's "HPOH" entry.

More information about the "Hollywood Kitty Awards" contests coming soon!  If you are a present or past Hollywood Kitty Company customer who is interested in submitting your cat's photos and story for future contests now, please email Ken at

In order to have 12 entries for the "HKOY" contest, the 1st "HKOM" contest will officially commence on January 1, 2018, at 12:00 am, PST.

Thank you for your interest, and please check back for information about prizes for the winners and runners-up!

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